5 Amazing Apps Every Restaurant Owner Must Have

Owning a restaurant chain is both the dream of many and a living nightmare for others. Dealing with inventory problems, employee turnovers, and sudden scheduling changes can make quitting seem as the best option. But, we promise you: IT IS NOT!

It’s not an exaggeration to say there’s an app for everything. Technological advances are allowing us to solve gigantic problems with a simple click. Luckily for us, restaurants aren’t excluded from having a piece of this pie!

Here are the best 5 apps for restaurants, specially made to help chain managers and owners simplify their work, resolve every day challenges, and boost their team’s productivity:

This is the restaurant inventory solution you’ve surely been looking for. Market Man is a complete Restaurant Management System to simplify order management, eliminate waste and jump-start profitability. It has a focus on streamlining procurement, delivery, and restaurant accounting and allows easy ordering and tracking from suppliers.

For high seasons and big events, this app will be your perfect reservation and table management system. Clients can make reservations from Instagram and Google, add them to the system, and allow you to manage table arrangements, schedules, calls, and changes anytime.

This restaurant staff management app will help you organize and supervise your team like a true boss. Digital staff training, role assignments, smart checklists, schedule management, and a team messenger— everything from the comfort of your phone. Mr. Tomato will simplify your work, boost your team’s productivity, and reduce costs all at once!

While eating out is still a thing, eating in has become more common than ever and your restaurant can’t stay behind. Offer a delivery service without the trouble of it all with an app like Door Dash. They take care of transportation logistics for you and open a whole new market for your restaurant!

A rough payment experience could scare clients away. Make payments happen faster with Sunday: a QR code system that allows customers split the bill, add tips, and pay in 10 seconds, helping your waiters turn tables in an instant, save time, and save money.

All of these apps are only a few clicks away from you… and with offers included! Check out their main websites for special offers, free trials, and scheduled calls, and start your restaurant’s much-anticipated evolution journey!

Take a look at how Mr. Tomato can be tailored to your restaurant’s specific needs